Hello everyone! This is Tiana and as one of the horse people in this family I manage this page.
First off let me tell you about what we do with our fabulous horses! Our horses are mostly used for either pleasure riding or 4-H District and State Horse Shows. Caring for them, trimming hooves, feeding and show fees, is made possible by our puppy money we get from the family business. We occasionally give visitors pony rides.
Pizza Del Avery/One-Eye Fancy
Avery came into our lives in 2018 and has been a delight since. He’s sweet, quirky, and usually pretty willing. He’s quite calm for a one eyed Arabian! Avery is pretty tall, right around 15.3 hands. He loves a good rub and is always happy to come to you in the field and sometimes follows us around like a big dog. He was born in 2004 and lost his eye in a cross-tie accident a long time before we got him, so he’s well adjusted to the one-eyed life.

Sam big Belgian Quarter Horse cross. He's roughly 16 hands high and he is very wide in the chest. We got him in 2004 as a yearling, the same year we started breeding dogs. He has a very full flaxen mane and tail, and a gorgeous chestnut coat when he's all shed out. He's rather grumpy and a little pushy till you show him who's boss. He loves any food, weather it's treats, hay, grain, grass, even sticks sometimes.

Bitsy is our short and stout Tennessee Walking Horse standing at about 14.3 hands. She is a little sassy and bossy, and likes to run away when you get her out. She collects her head beautifully and has a very smooth Flat Walk and Running Walk. She looks amazing as she goes along, bobbing her head... And her ears flop all over! She's a chestnut with no leg markings and a star on her face. She was the second horse we got! Bitsy is the boss of our herd here and keeps the other horses in line.

Bearentine Jac (Bear-in-tine)
Bearentine Jac (he was born on Valentine’s Day), also called Jac, Jack-a-lope or Jackles, is a registered American Paint Horse. He's a smoky buckskin tobiano who likes people who pet or feed him, and eating. He is very laid back and sweet, although he doesn't like to listen to anyone but his 'mother'. He's been shown in Ranch Riding and Hunt Seat, he's also done some trail riding. Jac is afraid of streams, creeks, brooks, rivers and ponds, but he tries. He's a very curious little guy and will chew on anything left close to his nose.

Tori is our spunky Quarter Horse mare. She's a beautiful buckskin, white hairs intermingling with her black mane for an interesting effect. Tori has been ridden Western, English and bareback. She's nice and wide, with sturdy legs and a nice back. Tori enjoys eating grass, hay, feed or treats, chewing on things she isn't supposed to and giving you attitude. She's jumped up to around 2 feet with ease, and occasionally seems to enjoy it. She moves nicely and is fabulously clever.
Tori went to a new home in 2023 and is doing great with her new owners!

Onyx is a stubborn sassy horse that we got from a friend of a friend of a farmer. He was sitting out in a pasture doing nothing, so we came, looked at him, liked him and took him home. He has very nice conformation and an adorable head. He doesn't like to listen, but he will start to learn. He's a pretty black, and in the summer he sun bleaches to a dark brown. He has a very thick, full mane and tail, and in the winter he is very fluffy. Onyx has a very playful personality and enjoys chewing on anything that fits in his mouth. In 2018 Onyx went to a new home near Lexington and is doing great!

True Flyer/Peter Parker
Parker is a 16.2 hand off the track Thoroughbred. Parker is a very willing horse, he enjoys pleasing his rider and getting compliments. Every now and then in the field he will stop and stare dramatically into the distance. Parker is thankfully a pretty calm horse when he's in a familiar place. He's a little more peppy when we first get to new places but settles down after an hour or so. He likes to lazily fulfill commands and jumps 2 foot like it's 1. He is a picky eater, the only treats he like are store-bought, carrots or just plain old grass. He dislikes eating peppermints and apples surprisingly. Parker now lives with wonderful people in Ohio.